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  • The Council, by resolution, or the Mayor or City Manager, by proclamation, if authorized, may select from among the following water conservation measures:
    1. There may be voluntary water usage restrictions on the following activities:
    A. Watering of established residential lawns, gardens, plants, trees, or shrubs, including but not limited to a total ban on such watering, alternate-day watering, or watering limited to, but not more than, a certain amount of watering within a certain specified period of time or within a particular time frame. In this connection, if circumstances so permit, restrictions may also be varied as between lawns, gardens, plants, trees and shrubs and restrictions may be varied as between established lawns and plantings, as compared to new seeding or sod or new plantings. The newly planted lawns, gardens, seeding, sod, and plantings may be exempt for a period of five (5) weeks.
    B. Residential swimming pool filling.
    C. Residential vehicle washing.
    D. All inside residential water usage which is not absolutely necessary.
    E. All commercial water usage which is not absolutely necessary.
    F. Requested timing adjustments (hours of the day and/or alternative days) for all of the items listed above.
    G. Water served at restaurants.
    H. Washing the streets, parking lots, driveways, and sidewalks.
    I. Ornamental fountains.
    J. Hydrant flushing.
    K. Washing the outside of buildings.
    L. Nonessential construction water usage.
    M. Public entity (City, County, school) nonessential water usage.
    2. There may be involuntary required water usage restrictions or complete prohibitions against the following activities:
    A. Established residential lawns, gardens, plants, shrubs, and trees.
    B. Newly planted (less than 5 weeks) residential lawns, gardens, plants, shrubs, and trees.
    C. Residential swimming pool filling, private swimming pools, children’s wading pools, or any other indoor or outdoor pool of any kind or description.
    D. Residential vehicle washing.
    E. Commercial vehicle washing establishments.
    F. Public entity (City, County or school) nonessential water usage.
    G. Time restrictions (hours of the day and/or days of the week) for any and all of the items listed above.
    H. Water served at restaurants.
    I. Washing streets, parking lots, driveways, or sidewalks,
    J. Ornamental fountains.
    K. Hydrant flushing.
    L. Washing the outside of buildings.
    M. Construction water usage.
    N. Tank-load water sales by City.
    O. Temporary water rate surcharge to curb use.
    3. Each customer may be required to achieve a particular percentage reduction in water usage as compared to a prior period usage and be subject to the payment of a premium rate over and above the normal rate in the event such percentage reduction is not achieved. The amount of percentage reduction and the base period for comparison purposes shall be established by resolution or proclamation as previously set forth. The premium rate shall be as set forth in Section 93.03 of this chapter.
    4. The Council (but not the Mayor or City Manager) may set a base allocation for every customer of the water system and, if the consumption of a particular customer exceeds the base allocation, that customer shall pay, in addition to the regular rate for water consumption, the premium rate set forth in Section 93.04 for unrestrained consumption.